

A Successful Launch, A Promising Future



How about equity, diversity, cultural understanding, kindness? 你也会把以学生为中心、富有同情心、学术严谨、整体主义抛在一边吗? 

For the last two years, 劳伦斯理工学院一直在打造这样的医师助理研究理学硕士学位,并于8月份正式启动了学生入学计划. 利记sbo had tapped Aimee Lamb, noted Physician Assistant, to lead the establishment of its new master’s degree program. 兰姆是医师助理项目主任,也是自然科学系的助理教授. Among her many career achievements, 她是在英国建立私人助理职业的12名私人助理之一,并协助英国第一个私人助理项目的发展.

“The PA profession is one of the fastest growing professions...密歇根州东南部有巨大的医疗需求,专门的私人助理可以满足这些需求.”


She said, “We’re very dedicated to providing a positive, nurturing, student-centered experience to every student, 尽我们所能促进建立在善良基础上的学习, empathy, and compassion.”

“Diversity” is a strong marker of this new program. Over 70 percent of practicing PAs are white women. While that in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, as she notes, “这并不能反映我们患者或社区的多样性.“我们致力于改变这些统计数据,所有利记sbo的PA教师都接受了广泛而持续的多样性和隐性偏见培训. “我们确实在努力改变我们这个行业的面貌. Our faculty fit what we’re looking for in healthcare providers. We’re about building a professional family.” At orientation, 每个学生都有一名顾问/导师,以他们需要的任何方式支持他们的整个旅程. 

As a brand-new program, 在首批30个职位中,有250多名申请者申请. 兰姆解释说,为了确保新生的多样性,她和宾夕法尼亚大学的肯尼斯·厄尔利, Charles Regan , Rania Krayem , and Janet Burns, 与PA项目协调员伊丽莎白·波特和临床协调员罗宾·奥乔亚, evaluated each applicant on several criteria, not just GRE scores or GPA. “我们对申请人进行全面评估,而不仅仅是他们的数量. It’s about getting at who an individual is,” she said.


The first cohort of Physician Assistant students.

利记sbo’s program, like all others, is incredibly intense. PA学生每周在校学习大约40个小时,并且可以预期额外学习40个小时. Dr. Srini Kambhampati , dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, described 利记sbo’s commitment to the entire PA student experience. “We’ve kept our cohort small, just 30 students, to provide them with a lot more individualized attention. We’ve constructed new and spacious classrooms and a new lab. The ‘classatory,’ as Aimee likes to call it, 有15个考试床,以便所有学生都能最大限度地利用他们在实验室的学习时间. There’s a separate lounge for PA students to study or to relax.”

There are 10 accredited PA programs in Michigan alone. 利记sbo为什么开始攻读新的医师助理硕士学位? 根据美国劳工统计局的报告,私人助理是增长最快的职业之一. Last year, US New & World Report called PA the number one healthcare job, the number one overall job, and the number one STEM job. 实际上,密歇根州东南部有巨大的医疗需求,专门的私人助理可以满足这些需求。.



In addition to the human qualities of the program, 利记sbo项目的独特之处在于它与Ascension Health的合作. Lamb explained, “For our PA students, 这意味着有机会在阿森松价值数百万美元的诊所学习所有不同的临床程序, state-of-the-art simulation lab, which is integral to the curriculum. Our students will also train in their human cadaver lab, 我们与扬升的关系使利记sbo计划的区别成为可能. 我们要确保为学生提供绝对最高水平的培训设施.”

与此同时,兰姆和他的同事们正在设计课程, designing class and lab space, and designing a new student experience, 他们申请了ARC-PA(医师助理教育认证审查委员会)的认证, Inc.). Indeed, months of work, 1,000 pages of documentation, and a two-day site visit resulted in provisional accreditation, received in March, 这是任何学生进入新课程之前所要求的一个里程碑.


Physician Assistant Ribbon cutting. From Left to right: Srini Kambhampati, Dean of Arts + Sciences, Lisa Kujawa, Vice President of Enrollment Management, Aimee Lamb, Director of the Physician Assistant Program

Phillip Pham had never been to Michigan. 他的父母在战争期间逃离越南,住在菲律宾难民营,菲利普就是在那里出生的. 他现居加州,毕业于加州大学戴维斯分校. On weekends, 他自愿为越南病人翻译,以此回馈社区. Not knowing what career he wanted to pursue, 他找到了一份医院医疗记录员的工作,以解决这个问题,并找出如何帮助那些因语言障碍而处于不利地位的人. Pham said, “That really sparked my interest in medicine. 我真的很想帮助解决人们面临的健康差距问题.” 

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Phillip Pham and his grandma. 

Pham shadowed three PAs in his hospital, one an Internal Medicine PA, one a Gastroenterology PA, and an Emergency Room PA named Paul, who too is Vietnamese. “我看到保罗如何安慰他的病人,如何与他们建立联系,如何教育他们. 看到病人脸上的笑容,这对我来说真的很私人。. “因为我总是帮助我不会说英语的父母去看医生, it reminded me of what my parents had to go through.”

他了解到,私人助理通常会花更多的时间陪伴病人. 这种互动和病人教育是私人助理职业的两个基石. 

Why did he choose 利记sbo? First and foremost, they were friendly and caring. “艾米在我询问的当天就联系了我,告诉了我她对我成功的计划,” Pham said. Second was 利记sbo’s collaboration with Ascension, 尤其是尸体实验室,以及与阿森松医疗服务提供者一起进行临床轮转的机会, which is integral to the curriculum. Third, on-campus housing. “It means a lot to me that 利记sbo puts the student first. 他们的使命是促进学生社区的宣传, my community, many from low socio-economic backgrounds.

“我的父母都在美甲沙龙工作,养大了我和三个姐妹, I didn’t want their sacrifice to be in vain,” he said.

You can almost hear Director Lamb and Professors Regan, Early, and Krayem saying, “We won’t let that happen, Phillip!”

by Renée Ahee